Thursday, August 28, 2014

Review - MovieTowne's Green Park POS

I just love the Green Park at Movie Towne Port-of-Spain. It is such a beautiful place to just relax in such greenery and the perfect place for kids to play and ride bikes. Many people bring their kids to enjoy this green space as it gives them an opportunity for their kids to play outdoors instead of the regular cinema and mall outings. There is a really breath taking man made stream decorated with all types of greenery. I really love it and my kids do too.

I must commend Movie Towne for upgrading the Green park to now include three amusement park rides. These rides are kid friendly and perfect for the area, bringing more fun and excitement to the area. My kids love the Carousel, it is huge and very old fashioned. I really love that. They have also newly opened their children's Ferris Wheel and Rocket rides which are most enjoyable. The rides are well supervised and very safe for kids. Of course, smaller kids must be accompanied by an adult.

There is even a canteen in the Green Park selling drinks, snacks and pop corn which is incredibly convenient. Now, patrons do not have to walk over to Movie Towne for drinks and snacks.

Thank you Movie Towne for this gift to the west, we look forward to all the other amazing ideas and fun things you have planned for us.

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