Friday, July 4, 2014

Our Future is in Good Hands

As I enjoyed my daughter’s pre-school graduation today, I can certainly say that our country's future is in good hands. The graduates from Aunty Lyn's Preparatory were so brave, as they put on a remarkable programme of song and dance. I know every parent there could not believe that these little kids could remember such complicated speeches and songs. We were all impressed and proud to see our babies performing for us with gusto. I must commend Aunty Lyn, the school's principal for the superb job she has done.

Graduates from Aunty Lyn’s Preparatory School – Class of 2014

Aunty Lyn heavily invests in each of her students and firmly believes that each child must be nurtured and disciplined differently. She is also skilful in bringing out the best in her students whilst educating them to the highest academic standard which surpasses even the most elite primary school's requirement.  Hats off to Aunty Lyn for giving my daughter a head start to her academic future. I dare to say that this pre-school is the best well-kept secret in Lange Park and I am sure all her past students and parents will attest. She is so well loved and cherished by her community since she has been in existence for 35 years.

I personally believe that our children’s education is an investment and it is important that they have the very best academic foundation in order to excel in life. We must also understand that learning starts from the moment a baby is born. A baby’s brain is like a sponge and will soak up all that she is exposed to. Every experience a child has shapes who she will be. Choosing your child’s educator is the biggest and most important decision you must make. This should be taken seriously, as early as pre-school, since their experience there will determine their feelings and mind-set towards schooling and lay the most important educational foundation. Parents must choose the best school for their child and not the most convenient. Some sacrifices must be made if we want our kids to be ahead of the game. We should not rely solely on the educators to impart knowledge; we must as well be educators and invest the necessary time every day for this purpose.

I started a small library for my daughter when she was just a few months old and I read to her every night. As she grew, so did her library and her love for books. She not only loves reading, but also loves doing her school work. She enjoys maths and is capable of much more than is required of her. This proves that we as parents must take charge of our child’s education and steer them in the direction of greatness from a tender age since they only get one shot at it. We must not wait on others to educate them when we can do it most effectively, since we know them best. Educate them lovingly and understandingly for they deserve the best shot at life and only you can afford them this. If you educate them properly and choose the right educator for your child, they will love school and schooling, a wish of many parents. Nowadays, parents tend to focus on their child’s academic life only when they are approaching SEA, putting immense pressure on the child. However, I urge you to discard this way of thinking and start educating from the moment they are put into your arms, for we are the ones responsible for our children’s future and by extension the future of Trinidad and Tobago.

As we bid Aunty Lyn’s Preparatory goodbye, I look forward to
many achievements from the graduates who are the future leaders and policy makers of Trinidad and Tobago.

The girls performing a dance






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