Thursday, August 28, 2014

Recipe - My Famous Lasagne

I finally found the time to write down my famous lasagne recipe, with photos I might add. I say it is famous because everyone who has ever eaten it has fallen in love with it, although it is a vegetarian lasagne. This dish is my specialty. I usually make it for Christmas Eve, however, I have found ways to make it healthier and packed with good stuff so I can make it all year round.

I use one container of fresh mushrooms. I cook my mushrooms first, with a little olive oil and lots of fresh basil until slightly brown.

If you can't find fresh basil, use dried basil or the Bertolli Tomato & Basil pasta sauce for the flavour.

Then I add the chopped carrots, onions and sweet peppers. I chop them chunky but you can chop them finer if you like. When they have softened, add the spinach and broccoli bits. Remember the vegetables will also cook in the oven, so don't over cook them on the stove.

You can put the lasagne strips to boil while the vegetables are cooking to save time. Don't over boil them, if they are too soft they will fall apart. I usually take out the strips one by one and line them around a bowl. This prevents them from sticking together.
Grate both cheeses, and begin layering the pie. I use the Bertolli brand pasta sauce because the quality is great. It tastes like restaurant sauce and tastes fresh unlike the other brands like Hunts and Prego.
Put some sauce in the dish and spread evenly, then layer with the strips. Spread some more sauce on the strip then layer the vegetables and cheese, then strips again. Continue until you finish with a thick spread of sauce and cheese. You can put less cheese if you wish to make it healthier.

Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes, it should look like this when finished:

To make this dish even healthier, eat a smaller portion with salad and vegetables.

For my recipe, I use lots of good stuff like:
1   container of Fresh Mushrooms - PriceSmart
3   Carrots
3   Sweet Peppers
1   head of Broccoli
2   small Onions
3   cups chopped Spinach
2   handfuls fresh Basil
2   bottles Bertolli Pasta Sauce -PriceSmart
1   package of Mozarella Cheese
1   lb regular cheese
2   packs lasagne strips (Ronzoni brand)

This recipe is for 2 packs of lasagne strips.

You can also use pre-washed American spinach instead of the local. Also, you can use baigan instead of mushrooms if you don't like mushrooms or are allergic.


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